The Opioid Crisis
Make no mistake about it, drug addiction has reached epidemic levels in this country. My stepson, an amazingly talented young man, lost his battle to drug addiction in 2007. His addiction began when he was unnecessarily given a long term opioid prescription after breaking his arm in an ATV accident at the age of 15. No one is immune!
The bipartisan STOP Act originated with three members of the Senate and four members of the House. I am proud to have been one of the seven primary sponsors. The law unanimously passed both the Senate and the House and was signed by the governor on June 29, 2017. But there is always a battle to fight, which is why I am currently working on ways to broaden our attack on this deadly epidemic.
It is important to understand that this battle is in its early stages and we have a long way to go. But I want to thank the many physicians, pharmacists, dentists, veterinarians and other medical professionals who have helped craft legislation to combat the problem. It is incumbent on every elected official in our state to join the conversation and work together to end the havoc this crisis is wreaking on North Carolina families.
Second Amendment Rights
As a hunter, sporting shooter, and lover of this country, our Second Amendment rights are important to me. Our forefathers shed blood to ensure our freedoms, particularly the right to bear arms. I am a life member of the NRA and a consultant to the development of the "Friends of the NRA," supporting the shooting sports as well as gun safety throughout the country.
No one is more concerned about the safety of our citizens than I am. I have grandchildren attending Richmond and Moore County schools, family and friends walking the streets of our cities and towns, and employees in the workplace. They are all very important to me as are all the citizens of our country. These are perilous times!
Nevertheless, limiting gun ownership is not the answer to public safety. I am greatly disturbed to see that strong gun laws, already in place in our country, are not enforced. The General Assembly has appointed a taskforce to work on ways to improve safety in our schools, but until a new plan is in place, we MUST enforce the current laws to protect our citizens.

Jobs and the Economy
As an entrepreneur who built a nationally recognized business and created jobs in our community for years, Tom McInnis has first hand knowledge of the challenges facing job creators and entrepreneurs. He believes that the 25th District of North Carolina has been short-changed in economic development, while the larger, more urban areas of Charlotte and Raleigh have thrived. Tom will do what it takes to bring local jobs back to our community. He'll balance the budget, cut taxes on small businesses and working families, and eliminate regulations that harm innovation and job creation.
During his tenure at the General Assembly, he has proven this commitment to his district and North Carolina economy by crafting and sponsoring legislation that has helped restaurants, homebuilders, land developers, farmers, and businesses of all kinds. He is passionate about continuing this fight!
As a former member of the Richmond County Board of Education, as well as the son and husband of a teacher, Tom McInnis has been a strong advocate for quality education for many, many years. He's fought for higher pay for teachers and school personnel, and will continue this fight. Specifically, he would like to:
Expand the Vocational/Technical Educational opportunities through the high school/community college dual enrollment program for eligible 9th -12th graders. This will allow students who do not want to attend a 4-Year College or University to earn a meaningful certification, registration, or apprenticeship in order to enter the workforce with the skills that will provide them a living wage. In many cases, that living wage is higher than those who enter the workforce with a Bachelor's Degree.
Expand the Teach for NC Grant, which he personally crafted, to all 100 counties. This grant allows Teacher Assistants, who already have an Associate Degree, to apply for a grant that would provide funds for them to complete their last 2 years of college in an approved Teacher Education Program. The TA would be able to continue working in his or her current job and would not lose income during student teaching. Once the TA earns the certification, he or she must remain in North Carolina for a designated period of time. What better way to address the teacher shortage problem than to provide a path to certification for those who already possess classroom experience.
Continue looking for ways to support smaller class sizes, less standardized testing, opportunities for increased teacher pay, and NO MORE COMMON CORE!

Voter id
While the left leaning court system has tried to stop our efforts, Tom McInnis will continue to push for Voter ID. This is critical to ending voter fraud and ensuring fair and honest elections in our state. Tom supports a Voter ID law that requires North Carolinians to show a valid photo ID at the polls.